Partner Portal Blogs


We share latest updates, usecases & information needed for
the vendor management and for supply chain management

Master Data Management – What, Why, How & Who

Master Data Management – What, Why, How & Who

There is no doubt that we live in a data-driven world where businesses face a constant influx of information from different s...

Importance of Delivery Tolerance in Vendor Management

Importance of Delivery Tolerance in Vendor Management

In the complex and competitive world of business, effective vendor management forms the foundation for upholding operational ...

Importance of 3-way matching in vendor management

Importance of 3-way matching in vendor management

Vendor management stands as a pivotal pillar within the framework of business operations, and implementing a vendor managemen...

Top 6 Challenges in Procurement and How to Overcome Those

Top 6 Challenges in Procurement and How to Overcome Those

Procurement has been a vital component of business operations since the advent of commerce. The meticulous selection and acqu...

How to streamline the supplier management system in 2023 with Partner Portal

How to streamline the supplier management system in 2023 with Partner Portal

In the fast-paced world of globalization and digitalization, businesses constantly evolve to stay competitive. With the incre...